Friday, November 20, 2009

tinkering schools

tinkering schools

I think we do not have this kind of school in our country. We (Chilean) should feel ashamed about this.
In Chile teachers are just concerned about accomplishes the set curriculum and not to encourages their students to be creative and enjoy what they are doing.
In some school when a kid tries to do something new, creative, out of what was the teacher were expecting. They are punished because that was not what the teacher asked to do. I feel that, what this kind of attitude does is to kill student’s creativity and a teacher should not do that. They encourage their students to be creative
If we think about how to apply this school ideal in our school, first we need to change peoples mind about “playing time” and "children’s ideas", I mean, everybody is likely to think that what children do when they are playing is something useless or sometimes adults tend to misjudges children ideas because their age. But after we saw the video, we could tell how wrong these ideas are.
Children imagination is unlimited and they do not get easily frustrated like adults do. They try several times to accomplish what they want to do and they put their best effort to do it.
I think we should use these qualities and use them at the school activities, develop activities such as drawing what comes to your mind with the word "world" and let them explain what they drew and let them develop those ideas. We could get amazed by their ideas.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


I would like to do a class about the three components of sound. I think it is something really interesting and also useful, i mean if my students know about this three factor, it would be useful for them to recognise the differences between thir mother tongue accent and the foreign language. In terms of second language acquisition, it would help them to be aware of how to change the tune and rythm into english accent. Also i think this topic it is really funny and you as a teacher can use different methods to teach them, such as, graphics, experiments, etc.
To be honest i do not know so much about this topic, so I think it would be something interesting to learn. this kind of topic would help my students to understand other classes like physic or chemistry.
i think this kind of activities are more appropiated for grown up students because they would be able to understand the topic and also because they have other classes that are based on the same topic. For little kids this topic would be boring and they would be easily distracted.
I think we teachers should be able to teach our student about any kind of topic because they will ask us about different kind of things ans we should have an answer. So we need to acknowledge all kind of topic.
We have to be a wise teacher
that is all

kiss and hugs


Thursday, November 12, 2009


::NeW wOrDs::
  1. Whisper: to speak very quietly, using thebreath but not the voice, so that only the person close to you can hear you

  2. Tune: a series of musical notes, especially one which is pleasant and easy to remember; a melody

  3. Rhythms: a strong pattern of sounds, words or musical notes which is used in music, poetry and dancing

  4. Harmonies: a pleasant musical sound made by different notes being played or sung at the same time

  5. Samples: a small part of a song which has been recorded and used to make a new piece of music

  6. Accent: the way in which people in a particular area, country or social group pronounce words

  7. Hoarse: (of a voice or a person) having a rough voice, often because of a sore throat or a cold

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Natalie's presentation.


  • What would you do with a student that is unwilling to learn?
  • What kind of strategies would you use to help them?
  • What do you think about Tolstoy's idea of education? Do you agree?
  • How could you apply this in the English class?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Andres and Fernada's presentation!

I really enjoyed Fernanda and Andres’ presentation because it was about sexism, which is in fact a controversial topic. They started showing us the famous movie Mona Lisa’s smile, then they started talking about what sexism is (meaning and some examples about it).
Fernanda and Andres explained us how this factor is not just related with house chores (like babysitting, cleaning, etc), but it is also about professions and salary, the differences between men and women remuneration is huge, we (women) receive less money than a man for the same job (XP).
They gave us a lot of information in where they showed us how women’s role had changed through years, and they gave us some examples about it, such as, the first woman president or the date when women started to vote.
Finally they talked about how we as future teachers could changed this because they feel that sexism is still present in the classroom (school). They gave us some recommendation about it.
We asked them some questions about it, and their answers were really appropriated.
Like I said before I really liked their presentation!!

That is all for today!

Kiss and Hugs


Thursday, September 17, 2009

my own creation !!! Xp

I wandered around a magic world
Noticing all the beautiful and shining stars
Floating on the blue space
Like the moon in the blue night
Then i thought how blissful dreamers are
To be able to reach this magic world every night.

She walked into the sprightly room
Looking for a mysterious attractive man
Hoping he would look at her face
Like Cinderella's prince charming fairy tale
She felt her heart fluttering in delight
When she found her handsome knight

that is all for today!!
kiss and hugs

Monday, August 24, 2009

SUCCESS is not one way street

I totally agree with Mr Richard St. John’s perspective, He showed us in the video about "success". Also he shares with us his experience and how important is to do not stop trying things, i mean if you get what you want you must to do not stop, because how he said success is a continuous journey.
One of the major problem of our society,is that we relate or link the word success with money, when this is not true!.
There are a lot of people who are not doing the things they like, and they are just trying to get more money. This is what happen in our schools (Chilean education), teacher are not happy with their job, and consequently the students either.
An English teacher or just a teacher have to remember why he/she chooses this career and recall every day which are his/her aims, goals and expectations.
I think the key to be a successful person is to add passion, love and make your best effort.
try with all your heart to be the best.
remember "HARD WORK PAY OFF!!"

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Personal success

Hello everybody!

mm... well first of all, I think everything that you want (so badly) and you work really hard to make it real, finally comes true, it is called success and that mean happiness

all we know that being a successful person gave you an enormous sense of achievement and happiness.

I think that one of my successful moments was when i finished my first work experience, because at the beginning my ELAB went really bad, my mentor was sick,then she was operated and left the school for a long time and i had to changed of mentor and level, but all this turned out pretty well in the end, my new mentor and student were excellent.

The kids were so cute and affectionate with me and my mentor gave me all her support and confidence.

She was really grateful about what i did for her, then i realized that all my hard work pay off (i was doing (like 80) word cards about all the reading comprehension units), and i could achieve miss Carola’s and my own aims.
i think all this experience helped me to develop my personality as a teacher and also it is a great step to further my career, because now i feel more comfortable and prepared to carry out a class successfully.
what do you think about it?

well that is all for today.

kiss and hugs
