Monday, August 24, 2009

SUCCESS is not one way street

I totally agree with Mr Richard St. John’s perspective, He showed us in the video about "success". Also he shares with us his experience and how important is to do not stop trying things, i mean if you get what you want you must to do not stop, because how he said success is a continuous journey.
One of the major problem of our society,is that we relate or link the word success with money, when this is not true!.
There are a lot of people who are not doing the things they like, and they are just trying to get more money. This is what happen in our schools (Chilean education), teacher are not happy with their job, and consequently the students either.
An English teacher or just a teacher have to remember why he/she chooses this career and recall every day which are his/her aims, goals and expectations.
I think the key to be a successful person is to add passion, love and make your best effort.
try with all your heart to be the best.
remember "HARD WORK PAY OFF!!"

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