Thursday, November 19, 2009


I would like to do a class about the three components of sound. I think it is something really interesting and also useful, i mean if my students know about this three factor, it would be useful for them to recognise the differences between thir mother tongue accent and the foreign language. In terms of second language acquisition, it would help them to be aware of how to change the tune and rythm into english accent. Also i think this topic it is really funny and you as a teacher can use different methods to teach them, such as, graphics, experiments, etc.
To be honest i do not know so much about this topic, so I think it would be something interesting to learn. this kind of topic would help my students to understand other classes like physic or chemistry.
i think this kind of activities are more appropiated for grown up students because they would be able to understand the topic and also because they have other classes that are based on the same topic. For little kids this topic would be boring and they would be easily distracted.
I think we teachers should be able to teach our student about any kind of topic because they will ask us about different kind of things ans we should have an answer. So we need to acknowledge all kind of topic.
We have to be a wise teacher
that is all

kiss and hugs


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